After Math
Have you ever wondered, “Why Math”? After Math is a podcast about the lives and perspectives of math people. These are people who experience life, culture and careers looking through the lens of a shared love of mathematics. After Math explores the reality between what you think math is, and what it really is.
After Math
"Where Did All the Girls Go?"
Sarah Sun and Ifaz Kabir
Season 1
Episode 3
We've come a long way in regards to gender equality.
A woman is a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
Women run more Fortune 500 companies than anytime in history.
But there is still so much more to do.
In this episode of After Math, Co-Hosts Sarah and Ifaz look at math, careers that math leads to, and where the women are.
They found that not all the numbers add up.
CONNECT WITH Sarah and Ifaz
Website: after-math.ca
Email: hello@after-math.ca
Social Media:
Twitter - @after_math_cast
Instagram - @after_math_cast
Facebook @aftermathcast